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TODAY is Friday, May 3rd, the 124th day of 2024 and there are 242 days left in the year. The next sabbat, Litha, is in 48 days. The moon is waning (23.9 days old) and 32% of full. The full moon for this phase is on Tuesday, April 23rd and the new moon will be on Wednesday, May 8th. Cited from Native American lore, the May moon is called the Flower moon.

old fashioned sun god logoThe current Sun Sign is Taurus (element of earth), the color is pink (friendship, sweet love), and the planet is Venus (elements of earth and water). The incense today are benzoin, jasmine, rose and vanilla and the tarot card of the moment is Page of Pentacles. Gods we honor today are Venus, Aphrodite and Freya. The keywords for today are love, sex, marriage, fertility and friendship.

- Today's Activity -

Your activity is to carry a rose quartz with you today to send out some gentle and loving vibes to those crabby co-workers. Work a little flower magic to enchant a single pink rose for friendship and inner beauty, and set it on your desk. Or try empowering a red rose for passion and placing it in your bedroom. Take advantage of Friday's correspondences and plant a seed, make something grow, and enjoy your blessings.

- Weather Lore-

If the red sun begin his race, be sure the rain will fall apace.

- Also -
pointing finder to textMercury will next go retrograde from April 1st to April 24th, 2024. Communication, intellect and awareness are all within Mercury's domain, as are logic and reasoning, our manner of thinking, and how we create and express our thought processes. So, when Mercury is retrograde, remain flexible, allow time for extra travel, and avoid signing contracts. Review projects and plans at these times, but wait until Mercury is direct again to make any final decisions.
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