The Daily Fool

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Your Past / Present / Future Draw of the Day

tarot cardtarot cardtarot card

Meanings of the cards when read in their upright position:

1. The Past

tarot cardKing of Wands
The King refers to you, or someone who strongly influences your life in the situation in question, but does not have to be male. The King's throne bears the totems of the element of Fire: the salamander and the lion. His command of this element, which signifies the Will, is further supported visually by the tiny lizard at his feet. He is a strong-minded individual, sometimes manipulating others through his Will. This forthright person is honest, fiery, and optimistic, and may feel like a natural leader. This energy could be better channelled away from others and into the pursuit of long term goals, especially career-oriented ones.

The concept of the past sounds like an obvious one, but often there are subtleties involved. While this can include the Querent’s past, it can also include events or the feelings of others that have had an impact or influence on the current situation. Does it necessarily mean things that took place long ago? Maybe... or it could be a conversation that took place last week.

2. The Present

tarot cardQueen of Wands
The receptive aspect of Fire, the Queen refers to you, or someone who strongly influences your life in the situation in question, but does not have to be female. In the card, the black cat at the Queen's feet can signify a guardian. Someone is watching out for you, or one close to you. Her throne is adorned with Lions, totems of Fire, symbols of royalty, and traditionally seen as fierce guardians. The Queen herself is full of passion. Her parted legs signify her intense desires and strong sexual energy. If this energy is lacking in your life, you may feel stagnant, bored, or hopeless. If it is abundant, you may be experiencing a time of great pleasure and joy. Just as the sunflower depicted on the card always turns toward the light, the Queen of Wands seeks the positive. She shows a real lust for life. Do you?

The center card symbolizes the present–the things that are happening right now around you. Because this spread contains only three cards, many things can be read into this card that might normally be seen in several cards in other spreads.

3. The Future

tarot cardAce of Swords
In the Ace of Swords, the crowned sword of intellect is held over the mountains, literally denoting the triumph of mind over matter. Truth and honesty prevail, symbolized by the palm of victory, and peace is found, symbolized by the olive branch. Violent acts of force are not necessary to achieve your goals. Your determination and strength of Will have surmounted the obstacles in your path.

Our last card represents the final outcome. It could be a long-term goal or an immediate resolution, depending on the question and the situation that the Querent is facing. Witches Almanac